You’ve wrapped up your custom business cards design. It’s been approved by the customer. You’ve uploaded the final artwork … and you’ve hit a snag. Artwork is getting kicked back because some of your elements are still in RGB.

#TuesdayTip -- If you're using a non-standard font in your design, make sure that you take the right steps to avoid font substitution or delays. Either supply the fonts with your order OR make sure that all text is converted to outlines before submitting your order.

#TuesdayTip -- One way to ensure color accuracy is to calibrate your screens. Remember that customers and designers likely have their monitors calibrated differently, meaning you're both seeing different results and may not be communicating accurately. Display calibration can help you avoid this issue.

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helpers " + - and space
busi card matches either busi or business or card or cards
"business card" matches only "business card"
+busi card must match the first; can match the second
+busi +card must match both terms
+busi -card must match the first; cannot match the second